From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Clone of Clone 4of IM 27348, of JPS IM-27150 of original JPS  IM-14117  See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
Clone of Clone 4of IM 27348, of JPS IM-27150 of original JPS IM-14117 See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 Rich Picture Version of Insight 386 The Dynamics of Human Service Delivery General Theory from the Book by Levin, Roberts, Hirsch et al. Ballinger 1976 ISBN 0-88410-132-0

Rich Picture Version of Insight 386 The Dynamics of Human Service Delivery General Theory from the Book by Levin, Roberts, Hirsch et al. Ballinger 1976 ISBN 0-88410-132-0

 Act collections and representations. Can you describe the differences?

Act collections and representations. Can you describe the differences?

A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006  paper   Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy  This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006 paper Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory
 From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery , by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov  Paper  from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference  paper   Could be extended by adding dynamics described in  going solid insight
From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery, by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov Paper from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference paper  Could be extended by adding dynamics described in going solid insight
 A work in progress conceptual model based on Using system dynamics principles for conceptual modelling of publicly funded hospitals by HJ Wong et al Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication, 27 April 2011 doi:10.1057/jors.2010.164. Linked concepts with annotated defini

A work in progress conceptual model based on Using system dynamics principles for conceptual modelling of publicly funded hospitals by HJ Wong et al Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication, 27 April 2011 doi:10.1057/jors.2010.164. Linked concepts with annotated definitions.

Stock Flow Map of MIT SDM  Seminar  Presentation on Improving an Eye Clinic in India. Compare with Service  work pressure insight  CLS Extended to include time pressures within the clinical encounter  insight  
Stock Flow Map of MIT SDM Seminar Presentation on Improving an Eye Clinic in India. Compare with Service work pressure insight CLS
Extended to include time pressures within the clinical encounter insight 
 WIP for IT enabled regional health services. See also  IM-14104  The Ecology of Medical Care

WIP for IT enabled regional health services. See also IM-14104 The Ecology of Medical Care

 Access model for the front page of  A Systems Approach to eHealth

Access model for the front page of  A Systems Approach to eHealth

From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Clone of Clone 4of IM 27348, of JPS IM-27150 of original JPS  IM-14117  See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
Clone of Clone 4of IM 27348, of JPS IM-27150 of original JPS IM-14117 See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
 Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See  IM-641  for the Causal loop diagram

Jack Homer's model via ithink and Mark Heffernan.  From Jack's  paper Worker burnout: a dynamic model with implications  for prevention and control System Dynamics Review 1985 1(1)42-62. See IM-641 for the Causal loop diagram

A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
 The dynamics of health care spending, or why it keeps growing. Adapted from Fig 7.6 p154 of Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin's PhD thesis SUNY Albany 1993 "The dynamics of health care finance: A feedback view of system behavior."

The dynamics of health care spending, or why it keeps growing. Adapted from Fig 7.6 p154 of Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin's PhD thesis SUNY Albany 1993 "The dynamics of health care finance: A feedback view of system behavior."

From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 Regulation of resource allocation to service in response to service quality. A non-price-mediated resource allocation system. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p172 Fig 5-27

Regulation of resource allocation to service in response to service quality. A non-price-mediated resource allocation system. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p172 Fig 5-27

 Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43  paper

Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43 paper