Five Information Filters and Bounded Rationality affecting Policy Action from Fig 7.12 p210 John Morecroft's  Book  2007 Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics
Five Information Filters and Bounded Rationality affecting Policy Action from Fig 7.12 p210 John Morecroft's Book 2007 Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics
Based on Gunderson Holling and Light. Barriers and Bridges to the Renewal of Ecosystems and Institutions book Columbia University Press 1995. esp Fig 12.1 p499 Table 12.1 p 502 and FIg 12.4 p 521 and  IM-11581  Managing mess
Based on Gunderson Holling and Light. Barriers and Bridges to the Renewal of Ecosystems and Institutions book Columbia University Press 1995. esp Fig 12.1 p499 Table 12.1 p 502 and FIg 12.4 p 521 and IM-11581 Managing mess
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here . See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE  article  for rumination focuss
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here. See also 2018 N. Hosseinichimeh Plos ONE article for rumination focussed SD simulation
Launchpad WIP for Behavioral modeling
Launchpad WIP for Behavioral modeling
3 last month
From NIMH Research Domain Criteria  website  and BMC  paper  and 2013  series  on current controversies in psychiatry.
From NIMH Research Domain Criteria website and BMC paper and 2013 series on current controversies in psychiatry.
3 23 hours ago
WIP summary of C A Soper's 2018  Book   Human mismatch between the emotional brain and the thinking brain generated mechanisms to avoid suicide.
WIP summary of C A Soper's 2018 Book  Human mismatch between the emotional brain and the thinking brain generated mechanisms to avoid suicide.
From Schluter et al 2017  article  A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems COMSeS2017  video .   See also Balke and Gilbert 2014 JASSS  article  How do agents make decisions? (recommended by Kurt Kreuger U of S)
From Schluter et al 2017 article A framework for mapping and comparing behavioural theories in models of social-ecological systems COMSeS2017 video. See also Balke and Gilbert 2014 JASSS article How do agents make decisions? (recommended by Kurt Kreuger U of S)
WIP Integrating other Double Loop Learning and Clinical Reasoning Concepts with Klein's Macrocognition and Lintern's Decision Ladder. May need to add capability
WIP Integrating other Double Loop Learning and Clinical Reasoning Concepts with Klein's Macrocognition and Lintern's Decision Ladder.
May need to add capability
Suicide Prevention    Initial version   revised according to Mark heffernan's ithink  model May 2016 and a person centred view added see also  version 3
Suicide Prevention   Initial version  revised according to Mark heffernan's ithink  model May 2016 and a person centred view added see also version 3
Suicide Prevention    Initial version   revised according to Mark heffernan's ithink  model May 2016 and a person centred view added see also  version 3
Suicide Prevention   Initial version  revised according to Mark heffernan's ithink  model May 2016 and a person centred view added see also version 3
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here
WIP Based on Carlos E Perez twitter diagrams and Paul Cisek 2019  paper  and talks including explore and exploit behaviours
WIP Based on Carlos E Perez twitter diagrams and Paul Cisek 2019 paper and talks including explore and exploit behaviours
8 months ago
Double loop PCT  IM-9007  extended to show hierarchical PCT and goal conflict psychotherapy. A simulation structure for  IM-233044   See also a Suicide crisis and PCT  IM-173189   simulation structure
Double loop PCT IM-9007 extended to show hierarchical PCT and goal conflict psychotherapy. A simulation structure for IM-233044  See also a Suicide crisis and PCT IM-173189  simulation structure
COM-B model of behaviour change from Michie 2011 Implementation Science  article  Structure agency  IM-1163  added for social context. Integration with other behaviour frameworks WIP. See also  nested representation   Attempt at combining simulations WIP is at  IM-35784
COM-B model of behaviour change from Michie 2011 Implementation Science article Structure agency IM-1163 added for social context. Integration with other behaviour frameworks WIP. See also nested representation  Attempt at combining simulations WIP is at IM-35784
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015  article   Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder  by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned  here
Based on Psychological Medicine Dec 2015 article Depression as a systemic syndrome: mapping the feedback loops of major depressive disorder by A. K. Wittenborn, H. Rahmandad, J. Rick and N. Hosseinichimeh, mentioned here
Based on  1990 SDR Article . Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't pr
Based on 1990 SDR Article. Control systems act to make their own input match internal standards or reference signals. Competent control systems create illusions of stimulus response causality. Stimulus-response theory can approximate the relationship between disturbance and action, but it can't predict the consequences of behavior. These consequences are maintained despite disturbances. See IM-9007 for a double loop version
Model combining system dynamics and agent based modeling. Based on Prochaska's Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change. See also preceding SD Version  IM-574
Model combining system dynamics and agent based modeling. Based on Prochaska's Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change. See also preceding SD Version IM-574
From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6  The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments  p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used.  Se
From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6 The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used. 
See also Thinking Like a Nurse IM-703 and Ladder of Inference Assumptions IM-351 and IM-50413 to show diagnostic detail
Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to  initial version
Addition of two extra articles on specific nicotine  dependence (addiction and habituation) with conceptual maps to initial version
 Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018

Incorporating organizational factors into Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA) of complex socio-technical systems: A hybrid technique formalization Zahra Mohaghegh, Reza Kazemi, Ali Mosleh Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2009) 94 5 p1000–1018 More detailed part of Insight 1074

Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT and Sapience
Overview of Myers Briggs mental preferences based on Jim Rogers MBTI Manual and Gifts Differing Book. Compare with Thinking feeling acting and interacting representation of human behaviour based on BPSD (dementia) work by Victor Vickland, PCT and Sapience