From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

An exploration of interactions among 'fuzzy' qualitative concepts that interact to produce either tolerance or violent conflict. ​Z509 p43-49 System Zoo 3 by Hartmut Bossel.

Based on diagrams in the NAP 2015  Report  Improving diagnosis in health care process Compare with  IM-885  Clinical judgment to provide context and and Decision Ladder  IM-689  to provide decision process task detail
Based on diagrams in the NAP 2015 Report Improving diagnosis in health care process Compare with IM-885 Clinical judgment to provide context and and Decision Ladder IM-689 to provide decision process task detail
 This is a simpler version of  Insight 649  showing the flow of Older People among the Community Hospital and Aged Care Residences

This is a simpler version of Insight 649 showing the flow of Older People among the Community Hospital and Aged Care Residences

 This model shows the Pharmaceutical New Drug Pipeline based on drug release, approval and patent expiry. This pipeline is then linked to patients switching from older drugs to newer drugs based on proven indications and marketing (indication creep). Based on work by Mark Heffernan on the Australian

This model shows the Pharmaceutical New Drug Pipeline based on drug release, approval and patent expiry. This pipeline is then linked to patients switching from older drugs to newer drugs based on proven indications and marketing (indication creep). Based on work by Mark Heffernan on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for drug subsidy.Conference paper and Larger ithink model

 Upgrade of Kermack–McKendrick Epidemic SIR Infectious Disease Model (circa 2015) - Metrics by Guy Lakeman   This is a simple SIR infectious diseases 3 stock model with Susceptibles, Infectives and Recovereds stocks. In the initial description the R signified Removed and could include Deaths, Recove

Upgrade of Kermack–McKendrick Epidemic SIR Infectious Disease Model (circa 2015) - Metrics by Guy Lakeman

This is a simple SIR infectious diseases 3 stock model with Susceptibles, Infectives and Recovereds stocks. In the initial description the R signified Removed and could include Deaths, Recovered with immunity to infection (Resistant) or those who had fled the epidemic. Note the need to initiate the epidemic by adding a pulse of a single infected person at time 0.

Addition of a slider for susceptibles is equivalent to accumulated total cases

SARS, MERS AND COVID are similar virus types only differing in their sub genus

The COVID outbreak has reached 150,000 infected people

This simulation allows an attempt at predicting how long the virus will persist and its longevity dependence on its high speed massive infection numbers that have reached pandemic proportions

SARS reached 8,000 infected total and ran for 9 months before stopping

MERS 2012 is still killing 8 years later with patients dying even after using interferon to try and cure them

 Modelling prevalence of cardiovascular disease within a population using agent based modelling. The initial population is defined within Tools->Variables and macros.     This is a partial model that is not yet complete.
Modelling prevalence of cardiovascular disease within a population using agent based modelling. The initial population is defined within Tools->Variables and macros.

This is a partial model that is not yet complete.
Click +View Story on Bottom Left to unfold his wide view of Emergency care patient flows  IM-6072  used as context to add confounders and potential indirect effects. See also  IM-1010  for hospital fixes that fail,  wiki  for general Systems Archetypes and  wiki  for Leverage Points (There is also a
Click +View Story on Bottom Left to unfold his wide view of Emergency care patient flows IM-6072 used as context to add confounders and potential indirect effects. See also IM-1010 for hospital fixes that fail, wiki for general Systems Archetypes and wiki for Leverage Points (There is also a health leverage points WIP wiki page)
 A stock flow structure used to show the unit of analysis, scope of study and context of the ED Four hour rule project, cloned from  im-399  monthly flows

A stock flow structure used to show the unit of analysis, scope of study and context of the ED Four hour rule project, cloned from im-399 monthly flows

WIP Conceptual map of initial scope of the effects of the ED 4 hour rule based on June WA Teleconference. See also the addition of unintended consequences at  IM-7775  and the potential wider context map in  IM-6167 . For a simulation see  IM-8237
WIP Conceptual map of initial scope of the effects of the ED 4 hour rule based on June WA Teleconference. See also the addition of unintended consequences at IM-7775 and the potential wider context map in IM-6167. For a simulation see IM-8237
 Regulation of resource allocation to service in response to service quality. A non-price-mediated resource allocation system. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p172 Fig 5-27

Regulation of resource allocation to service in response to service quality. A non-price-mediated resource allocation system. From Sterman JD Business Dynamics p172 Fig 5-27

WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model  IM-10346  A simplified stock flow map is at  IM-399
WIP Patient Flow improvement strategies for a City Hospital with 3 years historical data and two year planning horizon. Built after a Generic Teaching Hospital Model IM-10346 A simplified stock flow map is at IM-399
 This is a stock flow map representation From Evans RG and Stoddardt GL  1990 paper Soc Sci Med 31(12)1347-63 , also published in a book by Evans, Barer and Marmor, Why are some people healthy and others not?: The determinants of population health See  IM-425  for a simulation.

This is a stock flow map representation From Evans RG and Stoddardt GL  1990 paper Soc Sci Med 31(12)1347-63 , also published in a book by Evans, Barer and Marmor, Why are some people healthy and others not?: The determinants of population health See IM-425 for a simulation.

WIP for Effects of Senior Staff Weekend Rostering on ED Flows. Two areas Map simplified later to no specific areas Simulation in  IM-11079
WIP for Effects of Senior Staff Weekend Rostering on ED Flows. Two areas Map simplified later to no specific areas Simulation in IM-11079
 A general stock flow map of flows between hospital and the community, with more detail for hospital inpatient flows. An expanded version of  IM-622

A general stock flow map of flows between hospital and the community, with more detail for hospital inpatient flows. An expanded version of IM-622

 Addition of glucagon hormone action to control glucose homeostasis extended from  IM-586

Addition of glucagon hormone action to control glucose homeostasis extended from IM-586

 Critical Systems Heuristics Boundary critique from  Ulrich  See also Critical Systems Thinking  Insight

Critical Systems Heuristics Boundary critique from Ulrich See also Critical Systems Thinking Insight

From PLOS One  Article  April 2012 Worni, M et al System Dynamics to Model the Unintended Consequences of Denying Payment for Venous Thromboembolism after Total Knee Arthroplasty
From PLOS One Article April 2012 Worni, M et al System Dynamics to Model the Unintended Consequences of Denying Payment for Venous Thromboembolism after Total Knee Arthroplasty
 From Tarek KA Hamid's Book Thinking in Circles About Obesity Springer 2009

From Tarek KA Hamid's Book Thinking in Circles About Obesity Springer 2009

 Jenny W. Rudolph Nelson P.Repenning Disaster Dynamics: Understanding the Role of Quantity in Organizational Collapse Administrative Science Quarterly,47(2002):1-30  paper     

Jenny W. Rudolph Nelson P.Repenning Disaster Dynamics: Understanding the Role of Quantity in Organizational Collapse Administrative Science Quarterly,47(2002):1-30 paper