Shows the causal loop diagram of the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate

Shows the causal loop diagram of the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate

 Forcings and feedbacks based on Tom Fiddaman, James Hansen and other feedback and cycle diagrams

Forcings and feedbacks based on Tom Fiddaman, James Hansen and other feedback and cycle diagrams

 Dynamics of Emergency Department Crowding Initial View from the waiting room. Follows from  IM-369 Sim  and  IM-340 CLD . Proceed to  IM-349  

Dynamics of Emergency Department Crowding Initial View from the waiting room. Follows from IM-369 Sim and IM-340 CLD. Proceed to IM-349 

 A general model of flows between hospital and the community with workshop elements. See also  IM-3200  for focus on frequent presenters with mental health issues

A general model of flows between hospital and the community with workshop elements. See also IM-3200 for focus on frequent presenters with mental health issues

2 months ago
A general model of flows between hospital and the community. An expanded version is at  IM-623
A general model of flows between hospital and the community. An expanded version is at IM-623
 A simple medical workforce model of doctor flows, population and service growth.

A simple medical workforce model of doctor flows, population and service growth.

 Modified from  Mark Paich et al. 's book : Pharmaceutical product strategy. Fig 4.7 p 69. It formed the basis of a hypertension intervention discussion Aug-Sept 2010

Modified from Mark Paich et al. 's book: Pharmaceutical product strategy. Fig 4.7 p 69. It formed the basis of a hypertension intervention discussion Aug-Sept 2010

See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
See reference in diagram notes. WIP for Environment part of primary care regional model
 Simple Bass diffusion modified from Sterman Business Dynamics Ch9. Compare with the SI infectious disease model Insight  584 .

Simple Bass diffusion modified from Sterman Business Dynamics Ch9. Compare with the SI infectious disease model Insight 584.

WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013 linking monthly NWAUs and same and overnight activities from ED and Elective Surgery (ES)
WIP for LHN Individual Hospital O Month of October 2013 linking monthly NWAUs and same and overnight activities from ED and Elective Surgery (ES)
 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

 This is a launchpad for patient flow insights for flows through the emergency department and hospital, including the broader community context. It also includes links to other insights relevant to ED flow improvement.

This is a launchpad for patient flow insights for flows through the emergency department and hospital, including the broader community context. It also includes links to other insights relevant to ED flow improvement.

 A stock flow structure used to investigate interventions to improve the monthly patterns of patient flows through hospitals. Simplest structure to explain  IM-10386  Expanded in  IM-13966

A stock flow structure used to investigate interventions to improve the monthly patterns of patient flows through hospitals. Simplest structure to explain IM-10386 Expanded in IM-13966

WIP Understanding pathways to observed effects complex causation Pathways Moving to Opportunity NYC example from Nate Osgood's big data lecture  youtube video  Feb 2017 Sydney.
WIP Understanding pathways to observed effects complex causation Pathways Moving to Opportunity NYC example from Nate Osgood's big data lecture youtube video Feb 2017 Sydney.
WIP Simplified Patient Flow map of features in a SD simulation model of performance of a City Hospital over 5 years. Built after a Regional 20 year planning model  IM-10290  The simulation is a large ithink model built by Mark Heffernan
WIP Simplified Patient Flow map of features in a SD simulation model of performance of a City Hospital over 5 years. Built after a Regional 20 year planning model IM-10290 The simulation is a large ithink model built by Mark Heffernan
3 months ago
 From Jennifer Prah Ruger (2010) Health Capability Conceptualization and Operationalization Am J Public Health 100 p41-49 available from  SSRN   Extended slightly in  IM-791  so use of this is deprecated.

From Jennifer Prah Ruger (2010) Health Capability Conceptualization and Operationalization Am J Public Health 100 p41-49 available from SSRN  Extended slightly in IM-791 so use of this is deprecated.

 Created in James Madison University's ISAT 341 Simulation and Modeling course by Joseph Straub and Andrew Funkhouser. Based on Mark Heffernan's Glucose-Insulin Insight Maker     Glucose Insulin Model Info:  Translated from Hormone.stm in Dynamic Modeling in the Health Sciences James L hargrove, Spr

Created in James Madison University's ISAT 341 Simulation and Modeling course by Joseph Straub and Andrew Funkhouser. Based on Mark Heffernan's Glucose-Insulin Insight Maker

Glucose Insulin Model Info:

Translated from Hormone.stm in Dynamic Modeling in the Health Sciences James L hargrove, Springer 1998, Ch 24 p255-261, by Mark Heffernan.

An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one tells the bartender he wants a beer. The second one says he wants half a beer. The third one says he wants a fourth of a beer. The bartender puts two beers on the bar and says “You guys need to learn your limits.” From  Wild About M
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one tells the bartender he wants a beer. The second one says he wants half a beer. The third one says he wants a fourth of a beer. The bartender puts two beers on the bar and says “You guys need to learn your limits.” From Wild About Math
 Fig 4.1 p 86 of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works  Book  by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011).  Illustration of the relations among variables that contribute to the value experience. See also Effectiveness  IM-2806

Fig 4.1 p 86 of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works Book by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011).

Illustration of the relations among variables that contribute to the value experience. See also Effectiveness IM-2806

  Learning THread for hybrid models including Grimm's ODD and Nate Osgood's ABM Modeling Process and  Courses

 Learning THread for hybrid models including Grimm's ODD and Nate Osgood's ABM Modeling Process and Courses

 Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: stock and flow and  CLD  (Forrester) diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant CLD im-317

Kidney replacement therapy dynamics: stock and flow and CLD (Forrester) diagram of the kidney dialysis and transplant CLD im-317