Lack of management strategy and investment in management training for middle managers leads to ineffective support f line leaders, which impacts revenue
Lack of management strategy and investment in management training for middle managers leads to ineffective support f line leaders, which impacts revenue
 Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford)

Addition of an acceptance test which discovers rework (Cooper et al.) plus introduction of new tasks and tipping point (Taylor and Ford)

 From Daniel H Kim (1993) Sloan Management Revew  article  based on Ch2 of his 1993  MIT PhD Thesis  A FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGY FOR LINKING INDIVIDUAL AND


20 hours ago
Tento model slouží jakožto simulace práce na projektu. Pomocí proměnných lze simulovat práci týmu, chybovost a hlavně to, jak dlouho bude projekt trvat
Tento model slouží jakožto simulace práce na projektu. Pomocí proměnných lze simulovat práci týmu, chybovost a hlavně to, jak dlouho bude projekt trvat
 This stock and flow diagram is an updated working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

This stock and flow diagram is an updated working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

Descripción de los conceptos y relaciones básicas en la gestión de riesgos
Descripción de los conceptos y relaciones básicas en la gestión de riesgos
In  Leadership & Management: A Structural Perspective  I offered some thoughts regarding what happens when typical management and leadership approaches are applied to a hierarchical organization structure. Having continued to consider the nature of these two activities I would now like to offer
In Leadership & Management: A Structural Perspective I offered some thoughts regarding what happens when typical management and leadership approaches are applied to a hierarchical organization structure. Having continued to consider the nature of these two activities I would now like to offer what I consider to be a systemic perspective. A perspective which differentiates the two based on the structures they foster rather than the particular activities they promote.​
 This story presents a conceptual model of nitrogen cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on the concept of a stock and flow diagram. Each orange ellipse represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. A flow invo

This story presents a conceptual model of nitrogen cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on the concept of a stock and flow diagram. Each orange ellipse represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. A flow involves a loss from the stock at which it starts and an addition to the stock at which it ends.

 This stock and flow diagram is an updated working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

This stock and flow diagram is an updated working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

This diagram provides an accessible description of the key processes that influence the water quality within a lake.
This diagram provides an accessible description of the key processes that influence the water quality within a lake.
This diagram describes the key processes that influence the water quality within a Northland lake.
This diagram describes the key processes that influence the water quality within a Northland lake.
From Walrave ISDC2014  paper  Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations
From Walrave ISDC2014 paper Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations
 This stock and flow diagram is a working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

This stock and flow diagram is a working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'poli
This model incorporates several options in examining fisheries dynamics and fisheries employment. The two most important aspects are the choice between I)managing based on setting fixed quota versus setting fixed effort , and ii) using the 'scientific advice' for quota setting  versus allowing 'political influence' on quota setting (the assumption here is that you have good estimates of recruitment and stock assessments that form the basis of 'scientific advice' and then 'political influnce' that desires increased quota beyond the scientific advice).
31 9 months ago
This model depicts the current understanding of how I am managing my content across all the various web repositories. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
This model depicts the current understanding of how I am managing my content across all the various web repositories.
 WIP based on Geoffrey Brennan's Selection and the Currency of Reward chapter expanded from  IM-396  

WIP based on Geoffrey Brennan's Selection and the Currency of Reward chapter expanded from IM-396 

The process as currently understood for developing and managing the scripts associated with videos and webinars. @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube
The process as currently understood for developing and managing the scripts associated with videos and webinars.
 This model describes nitrogen cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on stock and flow diagrams where each orange oval represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. Flows reduce the stock at which they start and

This model describes nitrogen cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on stock and flow diagrams where each orange oval represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. Flows reduce the stock at which they start and add to the stock at which they end.

 This model describes phosphorus cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on stock and flow diagrams where each orange oval represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. Flows involve a loss from the stock at which

This model describes phosphorus cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on stock and flow diagrams where each orange oval represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. Flows involve a loss from the stock at which they start and add to the stock at which they end.

 This model describes nitrogen cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on stock and flow diagrams where each orange oval represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. Flows reduce the stock at which they start and

This model describes nitrogen cycling in a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand. It is based on stock and flow diagrams where each orange oval represents an input, while each blue box represents a stock. Each arrow represents a flow. Flows reduce the stock at which they start and add to the stock at which they end.

 This stock and flow diagram is a working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

This stock and flow diagram is a working draft of a conceptual model of a dune-lake system in the Northland region of New Zealand.

A first attempt at creating a simulation: a mandated part of a PD course. Have tailored it specifically to Special Needs as this is my passion.
A first attempt at creating a simulation: a mandated part of a PD course. Have tailored it specifically to Special Needs as this is my passion.