Examples of macroanalysis relevant to clinical reasoning --assessing individual patient causal mechanisms contributing to deficits in wellbeing from  book  fava guidi sturmey and chapter ethics for judging value from barbosa 2012
Examples of macroanalysis relevant to clinical reasoning --assessing individual patient causal mechanisms contributing to deficits in wellbeing from book fava guidi sturmey and chapter ethics for judging value from barbosa 2012
3 3 months ago
 Potential Diagnostic Error flows based on Schiff's Diagnostic Error Categories

Potential Diagnostic Error flows based on Schiff's Diagnostic Error Categories

Five Information Filters and Bounded Rationality affecting Policy Action from Fig 7.12 p210 John Morecroft's  Book  2007 Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics
Five Information Filters and Bounded Rationality affecting Policy Action from Fig 7.12 p210 John Morecroft's Book 2007 Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics
Examples of macroanalysis relevant to representing causal mechanisms linking genes to diseases from darden2018 MecCog  article  and 2017 Product to Process  article
Examples of macroanalysis relevant to representing causal mechanisms linking genes to diseases from darden2018 MecCog article and 2017 Product to Process article
 Early Modifications to  IM-875  WIP for Continuity of care dynamic model derived from ISO  http://bit.ly/p0LJn4  See also  IM-4008  for later versions

Early Modifications to IM-875 WIP for Continuity of care dynamic model derived from ISO http://bit.ly/p0LJn4 See also IM-4008 for later versions

WIP combining theories of substance use disorders including addiction and dependence using a framework modified from  birckmeyer 2004 article  PMID
WIP combining theories of substance use disorders including addiction and dependence using a framework modified from birckmeyer 2004 article PMID
 Clone of  IM-806  modified to integrate AnyLogic Real world, Model World with Van de Ven Engaged Scholarship and Land Use Modelling approaches. See also  Complex Decision Technologies IM

Clone of IM-806 modified to integrate AnyLogic Real world, Model World with Van de Ven Engaged Scholarship and Land Use Modelling approaches. See also Complex Decision Technologies IM

 From Gooch 2011  article  JAMIA  Computerization
of workflows, guidelines, and care pathways: a review of implementation
challenges for process-oriented health information systems  Relevant to  Learning insight  and Problem Knowledge Coupler  insight  

From Gooch 2011 article JAMIA  Computerization of workflows, guidelines, and care pathways: a review of implementation challenges for process-oriented health information systems  Relevant to Learning insight and Problem Knowledge Coupler insight 

3 months ago
From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6  The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments  p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used.  Se
From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6 The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used. 
See also Thinking Like a Nurse IM-703 and Ladder of Inference Assumptions IM-351 and IM-50413 to show diagnostic detail
2 months ago
 Extension of  IM-1401  to clinical judgments of risk and decisions to act  See medical decision making 2016 article  abstract

Extension of IM-1401 to clinical judgments of risk and decisions to act  See medical decision making 2016 article abstract

Example of cognitive work analysis from Hoffman on eliciting the knowledge of experts with articles around 2005 and 2017 book Minding the weather
Example of cognitive work analysis from Hoffman on eliciting the knowledge of experts with articles around 2005 and 2017 book Minding the weather
 WIP for Continuity of care ISO From  Wikipedia  Initial Insight Representation from ContSys  IM-4008  with split off patient statechart See  IM-2846  for Agent with infectious disease and  IM-4031  for additional professional statechart

WIP for Continuity of care ISO From Wikipedia Initial Insight Representation from ContSys

IM-4008 with split off patient statechart See IM-2846 for Agent with infectious disease and IM-4031 for additional professional statechart
 Rich Picture CLD from Yaman Barlas and Hakan Yasarcan (2008) A Comprehensive Model of Goal Dynamics in Organizations:Setting, Evaluation and Revision in Complex Decision Making Theory and Practice H. Qudrat-Ullah J.M. Spector P.I. Davidsen (Eds.) Springer 2008 available  online paper

Rich Picture CLD from Yaman Barlas and Hakan Yasarcan (2008) A Comprehensive Model of Goal Dynamics in Organizations:Setting, Evaluation and Revision in Complex Decision Making Theory and Practice H. Qudrat-Ullah J.M. Spector P.I. Davidsen (Eds.) Springer 2008 available online paper

Test Sensitivity and Specificity see  ROC wikipedia  and Tom Fawcett's 2006  article  introduction to ROC Analysis, Can be linked to Brunswik Lens  IM-1401
Test Sensitivity and Specificity see ROC wikipedia and Tom Fawcett's 2006 article introduction to ROC Analysis, Can be linked to Brunswik Lens IM-1401
 Overview of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works  Book  by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011). See also the value experience  IM-2804  and Regret  IM-15680

Overview of Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works Book by E Tory Higgins OUP (2011). See also the value experience IM-2804 and Regret IM-15680

3 3 months ago
From Walrave  ISDC2014 paper  Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations. Similar to the ordinary (efficiency focussed) and dynamic capabilities (explore)  insight  described by David Teece See also evolution and brain control  insight
From Walrave ISDC2014 paper Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations. Similar to the ordinary (efficiency focussed) and dynamic capabilities (explore) insight described by David Teece
See also evolution and brain control insight
5 2 months ago