Development Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Development”.

WIP Stock flow representation of the first 1000 days from conception to age 2
WIP Stock flow representation of the first 1000 days from conception to age 2
Insight Maker was utilized to demonstrate the relationship between Alienated Youth, police and Community Development. And the affect of Counselling can have on such youth. The Influence of activities was also depicted that can led to Criminal activities and Drug Abuse among such Youth. The model was
Insight Maker was utilized to demonstrate the relationship between Alienated Youth, police and Community Development. And the affect of Counselling can have on such youth. The Influence of activities was also depicted that can led to Criminal activities and Drug Abuse among such Youth. The model was made considering the youth within Burke.  

As can be seen that, the police enforcement plays a vital role, in the shaping the lives of youth. Hence, with the Increase in police force and increase in such initiates, the crime is like to decrease. Hence, the youth shall also be kept away from all  of such interactions and such Acts.

Also, the Community Development shall also play a vital role, in two folds. First it shall play a part in shaping the very mindset of youth , to indulge in positive activities and refrain from illegal activities.
Second of all, it shall provide rehabilitation to youth that have been subjected to such crimes and such events.

 It can be Concluded that, with increase in Police enforcement and Community Development, the overall crime can be reduced. The Youth thereupon will only indulge in positive activities.


There are two Variables involved in the model

1.     Police Enforcement

It measures how effectively and efficiently police go about fulfilling its duties; Identifying potential criminals and stopping them from committing crime and punishing criminal who are guilty.

2.     Community Development

Community development intervenes by changing the mindset of alienated and rehabilitated youth and hence affecting the flow towards Social Interactive Activities.

Adjusting Variables

Police enforcement can be adjusted using the slider given below. There is no choice given to adjust community development as it is affected by various factors of the society; education, culture, morals etc.


Youth engaged in Social Interactive Activities can never become alienated and hence will not go to drugs. In other words, a socially interactive youth member will be engaged in sports, education, gaming or café rather than drugs.

Youth are defined as ages 15-24, comprising of a population of 80. (ABS, 2016)


Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2016). General Community Profile. (Cat. No. 2001.0).

WIP Stock flow representation of the first 1000 days from conception to age 2
WIP Stock flow representation of the first 1000 days from conception to age 2
This insight illustrates the relationship between the funding of policing and community development initiatives, to reduce crime rates in Bourke, NSW. The insight categorises community members into four groups:     'At risk community members' are individuals who have been identified as likely to com
This insight illustrates the relationship between the funding of policing and community development initiatives, to reduce crime rates in Bourke, NSW.
The insight categorises community members into four groups:

'At risk community members' are individuals who have been identified as likely to commit crime.

'Charged' community members are individuals who have committed a crime, have been caught and charged.

'Community development program members' are individuals who have been identified as at risk, but have also been selected to take part in a community development progam.

'Community members' are individuals who are not classified as at risk. 

This insight shows the process of how individuals transfer between categories, with finance as the independent variable. Finance can be altered from a minimum of $250,000 to a maximum of $1,000,000. The finance variable can be altered using the total finance slider located on the right hand side.

Here is a list of assumptions made about this scenario. Assumptions are also found in the story of this insight.

*Bourke comprises of 3000 individuals. 2750 are classified as at risk and 250 as community members at time 0

*The average jail sentence is two years

*The government pays $1,000 per year for each individual who is charged and jailed

*The average cost of a community development program is $4,000 per year, per individual

*The average individual will relapse and commit a crime or be rehabilitated within three years
WIP based mostly on Jan
Toporowski  2013 vol 1  and  2018 vol 2  books on Michal Kalecki: An Intellectual Biography   Layout Consistent with  David Wheat MacroEconomic model CLD Insight  by Gene Bellinger  
WIP based mostly on Jan Toporowski 2013 vol 1 and 2018 vol 2 books on Michal Kalecki: An Intellectual Biography  
Layout Consistent with David Wheat MacroEconomic model CLD Insight by Gene Bellinger  
 Rich Pictures are simply pictorial representations of the relations between a number of relevant elements. The strength of rich pictures is that they're free form without any formal rules, which also tends to be the shortcoming of rich pictures.  @ LinkedIn ,  Twitter ,  YouTube

Rich Pictures are simply pictorial representations of the relations between a number of relevant elements. The strength of rich pictures is that they're free form without any formal rules, which also tends to be the shortcoming of rich pictures.


  Problém časové alokace     Semestrální práce      V této simulaci můžeme pozorovat přibližnou dobu na dokončení projektu, který má zadané parametry, jenž ovlivňují dobu jeho dokončení. Zároveň také znázorňuje zjednodušené nabývání znalostí a nárůst (případně pokles) mzdy v poměru se znalostmi.
Problém časové alokace
Semestrální práce

V této simulaci můžeme pozorovat přibližnou dobu na dokončení projektu, který má zadané parametry, jenž ovlivňují dobu jeho dokončení. Zároveň také znázorňuje zjednodušené nabývání znalostí a nárůst (případně pokles) mzdy v poměru se znalostmi.

Celý model obsahuje 3 hladiny - vývojový čas, plat a znalosti vývojářů. Mezi parametry, jenž lze zadávat a jenž ovlivňují celkovou dobu vývoje, patří: počet vývojářů (1 - 10), základní mzda (35.000 - 120.000), termín (1 - 6) a obsáhlost projektu (0.4 - 2).

Celkový počet vývojářů a znalosti vývojářů ovlivňují výslednou mzdu jednotlivých vývojářů. Termín určuje za jak dlouhou dobu si přeje klient projekt dokončen (pravý čas se dozví v simulaci) a obsáhlost projektu představuje o jak velký projekt se jedná.

V simulaci lze pozorovat tři grafy. První porovnává požadovaný čas s reálným časem stráveným na projektu, spolu s křivkou komplexnosti jednotlivých prvků, které se vyskytly během vývoje. Druhý graf nám ukazuje nárůst znalostí aktuálního týmu (tým se znalostí 1 dokonale rozumí dané problematice) a na třetím grafu lze vidět vývoj mzdy vývojářů během projektu (mzda je závislá na znalostech, tedy graf má stejný tvar).
  MKT 563, Assessment 4   Name Sothearen Khuoy   ID: 11709868         This model illustrated how crime impact on community development.         The diagram illustrated of community development and unemployment rate in Bourke town. The assumption of Bourke population is set as 3,000, and unemployment
MKT 563, Assessment 4
Name Sothearen Khuoy
ID: 11709868

This model illustrated how crime impact on community development.

The diagram illustrated of community development and unemployment rate in Bourke town. The assumption of Bourke population is set as 3,000, and unemployment population set as 500. While unemployment rate is effective by crime and prisoners. The value of crime is 100, and the initial value of prisoners are 300.


Variable of diagram is shown the relationship between community development and lack of human resource. If Bourke community lack of human resource, it will be negative impact to unemployment and positive impact to crime. While all of the influences will be impact to community development. All in all, the crime in Bourke community is affect to community development and unemployment in community also.

The following regards information revolving around the overall population of koala's in South-East Queensland. Numerous factors that affect the birth rate of koalas are presented to highlight both the negative and positive impacts that are presented to the population.  By Zac O'Brien  n8852901
The following regards information revolving around the overall population of koala's in South-East Queensland. Numerous factors that affect the birth rate of koalas are presented to highlight both the negative and positive impacts that are presented to the population.

By Zac O'Brien

 Some people have found it easier to communicate interactions and their implications with Connection Circles rather than Causal Loop Diagrams.

Some people have found it easier to communicate interactions and their implications with Connection Circles rather than Causal Loop Diagrams.

 Some people have found it easier to communicate interactions and their implications with Connection Circles rather than Causal Loop Diagrams.

Some people have found it easier to communicate interactions and their implications with Connection Circles rather than Causal Loop Diagrams.

WIP Elements from macroeconomics, neoliberalism and commercial determinants of health frameworks to provide a background to the effects of the universal basic income on health and wellbeing for the first 1000 days. UBI diagram modified from  Johnson2021 article  Expanded in  Insight 2
WIP Elements from macroeconomics, neoliberalism and commercial determinants of health frameworks to provide a background to the effects of the universal basic income on health and wellbeing for the first 1000 days. UBI diagram modified from Johnson2021 article Expanded in Insight 2
 This model was simply to depict the various function groups on the Make an Insight screen.

This model was simply to depict the various function groups on the Make an Insight screen.

Assessment 4.  This model highlights the interdependent relationship between:    - Police funding  - Community Development  - Youth Alienation  And the impact they have on youth engagement levels over time in the NSW town of Bourke.    Assumptions        The model assumes the youth population of bou
Assessment 4.

This model highlights the interdependent relationship between:

- Police funding
- Community Development
- Youth Alienation

And the impact they have on youth engagement levels over time in the NSW town of Bourke. 


The model assumes the youth population of bourke to be 1000 people. 


-Community Group effect is delayed by 3 months, aligning the model to seasonality to account for the large impact seasonal sport has on rural community.

- 20% of youth will disengage with the community after realising the development funding doesn't align to their interests. 

- 80% of disengaged youth will be at risk of committing a crime.

- 19% of youth arrested will have their charges dropped

- 81% will have a conviction recorded 

- 21% of detained youth will be rehabilitated in line with the NSW average.

- 79% of detained youth will re-offend in line with the NSW average. 


- Police Force Funding can be adjusted upward or downward to simulate the effect on engagement, disengagement and crime levels. 

- Community Development Funding can be adjusted to simulate the positive effect developing programs and opportunity for youth in Bourke may have on their engagement in society and the overall crime rate amongst their cohort. 

- Youth Alienation slider allows the rate of youth alienation (Exposure to violence, drugs, alcohol. Lack of training, education and opportunity), to be slowed and speed up to simulate the impact it has on engagement and crime levels. 

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