This insight is about infection propagation and population migration influence on this propagation.
For this, we defined a world population size and a percentage of it who’s infected. Then, we created an agent where we simulated possible states of an individual.
So, he can be healthy, infected (with an infection rate) or immunized ( with a certain rate of immunization). If the individual is infected, he can be alive or dead. Then, we simulated different continents (North-America, Asia and Europe) with a migration between these with a certain rate of migration (we tried to approach reality).
Then, thanks to our move action which represents a circular permutation between the different continents with a random probability, the agent will be applied to every individual of the world population.
How does the program work ?
In order to use this insight, we need to define a size of world population and a probability of every individual to reproduce himself.
Every individual of this population can have three different state (healthy, infected or immunized) and infected people can be alive or dead.
We need to define a percentage of infection to healthy people and a percentage of death for infected people and also a percentage of immunization.
Finally there is Migration Part of the program, in this one, we need to define three different continents, states or whatever you want. We also need to define a migration probability between each continent to move these person.
With this moving people, we can study the influence of migration on the propagation of a disease.
Vincent Cochet, Julien Platel, Jordan Béguet