SIR model with herd immunity - Metrics by Guy Laekman   A Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) disease model with herd immunity

SIR model with herd immunity - Metrics by Guy Laekman

A Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) disease model with herd immunity

modelo ejemplo tutorial con agregado de variación estocastica en tasa de contagio
modelo ejemplo tutorial con agregado de variación estocastica en tasa de contagio
Dosage per day, Doses per day, Every ? hours, Medicine in Intestines, Drug absorption, Plasma level, Blood volume, Plasma concentration, ​Toxic level, Medicinal level, Drug excretion, Excretion rate, Half-Life
Dosage per day, Doses per day, Every ? hours, Medicine in Intestines, Drug absorption, Plasma level, Blood volume, Plasma concentration, ​Toxic level, Medicinal level, Drug excretion, Excretion rate, Half-Life
Multiple Cause Diagrams (MCDs) can
be used to find solutions to systemic problems. This diagram tries to explore
treatment options that could theoretically be available to a person who has been
diagnosed with a particular type of blepharitis (inflammation of eye lids). This
type of blepharitis often
Multiple Cause Diagrams (MCDs) can be used to find solutions to systemic problems. This diagram tries to explore treatment options that could theoretically be available to a person who has been diagnosed with a particular type of blepharitis (inflammation of eye lids). This type of blepharitis often leads to 'pink eye' and  'dry eye syndrome'. It  is caused by rosacea of the eye lids, a systemic disease which can only be controlled but not cured.  The MCD also assumes that the patient's tear glands do not produce enough tears, which  further complicates his eye condition.  The broken green lines indicate treatment options.Their aim is to weaken or disrupt links that keep the malignant process going.

Hypothetically a person afflicted by this condition could construct a MCD similar to the one shown, based on authoritative information from his ophthalmologist and bonafide medical websites. It could serve to improve  his /her  understand of their condition and the treatment  available. As such, I believe this diagram demonstrates the usefulness of MCDs. 

Clone of IM-91683 from jacqui and vincy Summary of paper map produced by participants at the compelling case for prevention workshop 6 june 2017. Current premier version for vincy to update
Clone of IM-91683 from jacqui and vincy Summary of paper map produced by participants at the compelling case for prevention workshop 6 june 2017. Current premier version for vincy to update
This systems model will help students understand the different systems that make up our body and how choices we make can impact how those systems work. Factors are based on daily choices.
This systems model will help students understand the different systems that make up our body and how choices we make can impact how those systems work.
Factors are based on daily choices.
This model calculates and demonstrates the possible spread of COVID-19 through an agent-based map. It shows the timeline of a healthy individual being infected to recovery.
This model calculates and demonstrates the possible spread of COVID-19 through an agent-based map. It shows the timeline of a healthy individual being infected to recovery.
A model of the monthly change in prevalence of smokers and ex-smokers in the population
A model of the monthly change in prevalence of smokers and ex-smokers in the population
Hepatitis A merupakan penyakit infeksi virus pada hati melalui makanan atau minuman
Hepatitis A merupakan penyakit infeksi virus pada hati melalui makanan atau minuman
This insight is about infection propagation and  population migration influence on this propagation.

For this, we defined a world population size and a percentage of it who’s infected. Then, we created an agent where we simulated possible states of an individual.
So, he can be healthy, infected (wi
This insight is about infection propagation and  population migration influence on this propagation. For this, we defined a world population size and a percentage of it who’s infected. Then, we created an agent where we simulated possible states of an individual. So, he can be healthy, infected (with an infection rate) or immunized ( with a certain rate of immunization). If the individual is infected, he can be alive or dead. Then, we simulated different continents (North-America, Asia and Europe) with a migration between these with a certain rate of migration (we tried to approach reality). Then, thanks to our move action which represents a circular permutation between the different continents with a random probability, the agent will be applied to every individual of the world population.

 How does the program work ?

In order to use this insight, we need to define a size of world population and a probability of every individual to reproduce himself. Every individual of this population can have three different state (healthy, infected or immunized) and infected people can be alive or dead. We need to define a percentage of infection to healthy people and a percentage of death for infected people and also a percentage of immunization.
Finally there is Migration Part of the program, in this one, we need to define three different continents, states or whatever you want. We also need to define a migration probability between each continent to move these person. With this moving people, we can study the influence of migration on the propagation of a disease.

Vincent Cochet, Julien Platel, Jordan Béguet
 SIR model with waning immunity - Metrics by Guy Lakeman   A Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) disease model with waning immunity

SIR model with waning immunity - Metrics by Guy Lakeman

A Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) disease model with waning immunity

A model that describes the reinforcing loop between exercise and sleep.  Insight: To be able to do more exercise (if one is already tired), one has different options:  to increase their energy level which can be done with some products (such as caffeine), to improve their quality of sleep either via
A model that describes the reinforcing loop between exercise and sleep.

Insight: To be able to do more exercise (if one is already tired), one has different options:
to increase their energy level which can be done with some products (such as caffeine), to improve their quality of sleep either via medication or changing the environment in which they sleep, or to start doing exercise even if they are tired in order to sleep better and then have more energy.

Simple model of Paramecium with constrained growth.    Daffa Muhammad Romero  20/456363/TK/50493
Simple model of Paramecium with constrained growth.

Daffa Muhammad Romero
 A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (health and temporarily immune).

A spatially aware, agent based model of disease spread. There are three classes of people: susceptible (healthy), infected (sick and infectious), and recovered (health and temporarily immune).

A flow diagram modeling the changes in a university student at the end of the semester.
A flow diagram modeling the changes in a university student at the end of the semester.