Suicide Prevention stock flow and feedback map with unfolding story, revised with ideation, intent and lethality and multiple attempts (according to Mark Heffernan's ithink  model May 2016) and an initial person as agent centred view added See   Initial version  and next  version 3
Suicide Prevention stock flow and feedback map with unfolding story, revised with ideation, intent and lethality and multiple attempts (according to Mark Heffernan's ithink  model May 2016) and an initial person as agent centred view added See  Initial version and next version 3
16 last month
 Here we have a basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus.  The initial parametrization is based on the suggested current data. The initial population is set for Catalonia.

Here we have a basic SEIR model and we will investigate what changes would be appropriate for modelling the 2019 Coronavirus.

The initial parametrization is based on the suggested current data. The initial population is set for Catalonia.

 Adapted from Fig.5, from Ana V Diez Roux (2011)  Complex Systems Thinking May Help Us Transcend Current Impasses in Health Disparities Research  Am J Public Health 2011;101 1627-1634

Adapted from Fig.5, from Ana V Diez Roux (2011) Complex Systems Thinking May Help Us Transcend Current Impasses in Health Disparities Research Am J Public Health 2011;101 1627-1634

 Hannon and Ruth Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems p67 adapted to Bond Graph Kinetic Modeling Metabolic Map Alternate Layout of insight  IM-857  Here Join and Split Flows are unfolded rather than using folders around the Stocks.

Hannon and Ruth Modeling Dynamic Biological Systems p67 adapted to Bond Graph Kinetic Modeling Metabolic Map Alternate Layout of insight IM-857 Here Join and Split Flows are unfolded rather than using folders around the Stocks.

5 last month
 From FIg.2 Past the Tipping Point:THe Persistence of Firefighting in Product Development by Nelson Repenning, Paulo Goncalves and Laura Black. Calif. Mgt. Review 43(4) p44-63 (2001). Also  From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the

From FIg.2 Past the Tipping Point:THe Persistence of Firefighting in Product Development by Nelson Repenning, Paulo Goncalves and Laura Black. Calif. Mgt. Review 43(4) p44-63 (2001). Also  From William E. Novak and  Linda Levine CMU SEI Sept 2010 Success in Acquisition: Using Archetypes to Beat the Odds paper and see webpage

5 months ago
Simplest ED Model for Weekend  ED Performance with 1 ED area  IM-11079   Ward net discharges are extended with Ward and Waitlist inflow and outflow details (informed by  IM-7981 ) WIP
Simplest ED Model for Weekend  ED Performance with 1 ED area IM-11079  Ward net discharges are extended with Ward and Waitlist inflow and outflow details (informed by IM-7981) WIP
 Extension of  IM-7981  with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see  IM-14144 .For backlog and services see  IM-8382

Extension of IM-7981 with dynamics of daily ward discharges and did not waits. For an adjusted bed capacity stock see IM-14144.For backlog and services see IM-8382

 The Dynamics of Human Service Delivery General Theory from the Book by Levin, Roberts, Hirsch et al. Ballinger 1975 ISBN 0-88410-132-0 See  IM-621  for rich picture version

The Dynamics of Human Service Delivery General Theory from the Book by Levin, Roberts, Hirsch et al. Ballinger 1975 ISBN 0-88410-132-0 See IM-621 for rich picture version

 This map is a WIP derived from the MIT D-memo 4641 presentation by Nelson Repenning 1996 and the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman.  See  Insight 9781  

This map is a WIP derived from the MIT D-memo 4641 presentation by Nelson Repenning 1996 and the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman. See Insight 9781 for a simulation of this model. This map adds additional features mentioned in the article to the bare bones simulation in IM-9781

5 3 months ago
 Jones AP, Homer JB, Murphy DL, Essien JDK, Milstein B, Seville DA.  
 Understanding diabetes population dynamics through simulation modeling  
 and experimentation. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):488-494.

Jones AP, Homer JB, Murphy DL, Essien JDK, Milstein B, Seville DA.

Understanding diabetes population dynamics through simulation modeling

and experimentation. American Journal of Public Health 2006;96(3):488-494.

 Replaced by  IM-752  Causal Loop Rich Picture unfolding from Repenning, N. and J. Sterman (2002). Capability Traps and Self-Confirming Attribution Errors in the Dynamics of Process Improvement. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47: 265 - 295.

Replaced by IM-752 Causal Loop Rich Picture unfolding from Repenning, N. and J. Sterman (2002). Capability Traps and Self-Confirming Attribution Errors in the Dynamics of Process Improvement. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47: 265 - 295.

An initial stock-flow feedback map with unfolding story about Suicide Prevention that resulted in a national and regional simulation. See  revised version  insight
An initial stock-flow feedback map with unfolding story about Suicide Prevention that resulted in a national and regional simulation. See revised version insight
 From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery , by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov  Paper  from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference  paper   Could be extended by adding dynamics described in  going solid insight
From Adapting ‘Agility’ to Healthcare Service Delivery, by Tom Rust, Khalid Saeed, Isa Bar-On, Oleg Pavlov Paper from July 2013 System dynamics Conference Cambridge MA and also 2012 Conference paper  Could be extended by adding dynamics described in going solid insight
 A generic stock and flow map of Cancer Screening and Treatment. See also  IM-1525  for a specific Prostate PSA Map and  Reference   See  IM-107014  for a more detailed prostate cancer specific map 

A generic stock and flow map of Cancer Screening and Treatment. See also IM-1525 for a specific Prostate PSA Map and Reference  See IM-107014 for a more detailed prostate cancer specific map 

  Coping but not coping in health and social care: masking the
reality of running organisations beyond safe design capacity. From Eric Wolstenholme Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 371–389, (2007)  abstract . See also  IM-1010  for unfolding CLD version. This is a cascade of swamping structures see gene's  insig

Coping but not coping in health and social care: masking the reality of running organisations beyond safe design capacity. From Eric Wolstenholme Syst. Dyn. Rev. 23, 371–389, (2007) abstract. See also IM-1010 for unfolding CLD version. This is a cascade of swamping structures see gene's insight with video link
5 months ago
 Gavan Lintern's Decision Ladder of Cognitive states and processes associated with the Ladder of Inference  IM-351  

Gavan Lintern's Decision Ladder of Cognitive states and processes associated with the Ladder of Inference IM-351 

 WIP Stock Flow representation of Panarchy Adaptive Cycles

WIP Stock Flow representation of Panarchy Adaptive Cycles

5 months ago