Gavan Lintern's Decision Ladder of Cognitive states and processes associated with the Ladder of Inference  IM-351  

Gavan Lintern's Decision Ladder of Cognitive states and processes associated with the Ladder of Inference IM-351 

 From Stephen Toulmin's Book The Uses of Argument Cambridge University Press 2003. See  wikipedia  

From Stephen Toulmin's Book The Uses of Argument Cambridge University Press 2003. See wikipedia 

Based on Nate Osgood's April 2014 Singapore Presentation  Youtube video  and Lyle Wallis material Gojii at  DecisioTech  See also  Complex Decison Technologies IM  as a more polished version
Based on Nate Osgood's April 2014 Singapore Presentation Youtube video and Lyle Wallis material Gojii at DecisioTech See also Complex Decison Technologies IM as a more polished version
Clone of IM-11079, incorporating Mark Heffernan's SImple SD ithink v10 Model of Hospital Patient Flow done for particle filtering in September 2014
Clone of IM-11079, incorporating Mark Heffernan's SImple SD ithink v10 Model of Hospital Patient Flow done for particle filtering in September 2014
 Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43  paper

Rich picture CLD of Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry by Rogelio Oliva California Mgt Review 2001 43(4) 26-43 paper

3 3 days ago
 A causal loop diagram of thermostat action including conversions between heat and temperature and outside temperature. The simulation model is at Insightmaker 393

A causal loop diagram of thermostat action including conversions between heat and temperature and outside temperature. The simulation model is at Insightmaker 393

WIP notes on Stress and Abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by harry burns  keynote video  on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Peggy Thoits 2010 Stress and Health  article  added
WIP notes on Stress and Abuse, based on integrating cycles of alienation, emotional regulation in brain development, addiction, and violence/abuse, inspired by harry burns keynote video on Glasgow alienation due to housing estates. Peggy Thoits 2010 Stress and Health article added
 Simple rich picture causal loop diagram of single and double loop learning (DLL). See Individual Learning  IM-616   See also  DLL simulation insight

Simple rich picture causal loop diagram of single and double loop learning (DLL). See Individual Learning IM-616  See also DLL simulation insight

 Translated from Hormone.stm in Dynamic Modeling in the Health Sciences James L hargrove, Springer 1998, Ch 24 p255-261, by Mark Heffernan.

Translated from Hormone.stm in Dynamic Modeling in the Health Sciences James L hargrove, Springer 1998, Ch 24 p255-261, by Mark Heffernan.

 An adaptation of the URBAN1 Model from Navid Ghaffarzadegan, John Lyneis and George P Richardson's How small system dynamics models can help the public policy process. System Dynamics Review 27: 22-44 (2011)  Researchgate link   and  eolss synopsis  based on LA Alfeld and AK Graham's Introduction t

An adaptation of the URBAN1 Model from Navid Ghaffarzadegan, John Lyneis and George P Richardson's How small system dynamics models can help the public policy process. System Dynamics Review 27: 22-44 (2011) Researchgate link  and eolss synopsis based on LA Alfeld and AK Graham's Introduction to Urban Dynamics 1976. Also p 195 (Dynamo Model Listing).

An element of Perspectives: The Foundation of Understanding and Insights for Effective Action. Register at

Clone of  IM-11079  ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 2 areas again, as in the previous  IM-10571 . Focus on shift performance by Specialist.
Clone of IM-11079 ED Model for Daily ED Performance with 2 areas again, as in the previous IM-10571. Focus on shift performance by Specialist.
 Expansion of  IM-399  A stock flow structure through hospitals with high value activities linked by transitions. Based on the project described by  IM-10386  Compare with  IM-622  Context

Expansion of IM-399 A stock flow structure through hospitals with high value activities linked by transitions. Based on the project described by IM-10386 Compare with IM-622 Context

 Go to  Gene Bellinger's insight version  with video link This common archetype of systems that include relapse or recidivism allows exploration of the unintended effects of increasing upstream capacity and swamping downstream capacity. The increase in the relapse rate eventually returns to swamp up

Go to Gene Bellinger's insight version with video link This common archetype of systems that include relapse or recidivism allows exploration of the unintended effects of increasing upstream capacity and swamping downstream capacity. The increase in the relapse rate eventually returns to swamp upstream capacity as well. A social welfare example, based on a TANF case study, from How Small System Dynamics Models Can Help the Policy Process. N. Ghaffarzadegan, J. Lyneis, GP Richardson. System Dynamics Review 27,1 (2011) 22-44 abstract Conference version here

5 last month
 A general model of flows between hospital and the community with workshop elements. See also  IM-3200  for focus on frequent presenters with mental health issues

A general model of flows between hospital and the community with workshop elements. See also IM-3200 for focus on frequent presenters with mental health issues

2 months ago
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

 Shows the causal loop diagram of the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate

Shows the causal loop diagram of the flow of organs from donors to recipients to explore places to improve the transplant rate