Multiscale Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Multiscale”.

Related tagsMethodsHealth Care

WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013  book . See also Dynamics in Action  IM-3239  for more on behavior and The Art of the State  IM-11962  for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013 book. See also Dynamics in Action IM-3239 for more on behavior and The Art of the State IM-11962 for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
4 2 months ago
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
WIP example of Services oriented multiscale computable narrative synthesis focussed on Coping carefully with diabetes
Based on Nate Osgood's April 2014 Singapore Presentation  Youtube video  and Lyle Wallis material Gojii at  DecisioTech  See also  Complex Decison Technologies IM  as a more polished version
Based on Nate Osgood's April 2014 Singapore Presentation Youtube video and Lyle Wallis material Gojii at DecisioTech See also Complex Decison Technologies IM as a more polished version
 Adapted from Pawson and Tilley (1997) and Ratze et al. (2007) by Rosie Sadsad for a forthcoming book chapter. Contextual factors, mechanisms and outcomes are conceptualised as holons. Their state may change over time (t) and across levels of organisation (l). Holons are components and form part of
Adapted from Pawson and Tilley (1997) and Ratze et al. (2007) by Rosie Sadsad for a forthcoming book chapter. Contextual factors, mechanisms and outcomes are conceptualised as holons. Their state may change over time (t) and across levels of organisation (l). Holons are components and form part of a compound holon. Holons are connected by weak or strong links.
​See also Realist Evaluation IM-1713 and Holon wikipedia and Multiscale modelling process IM-10070
Based on a  book  chapter by Rosemarie Sadsad based on her  PhD Thesis . See also other Insights tagged Multiscale and Realist (  IM-3546  and IM-3834 are embedded here)
Based on a book chapter by Rosemarie Sadsad based on her PhD Thesis. See also other Insights tagged Multiscale and Realist ( IM-3546 and IM-3834 are embedded here)
 Addition of multilevel system dynamics to the context mechanism outcome realist evaluation framework of Pawson and Tilley. See also multilevel holons  IM-3546

Addition of multilevel system dynamics to the context mechanism outcome realist evaluation framework of Pawson and Tilley. See also multilevel holons IM-3546

A network view of  IM-731 .Combination of several other insights under the regional tag, inspired by Padgett and Powell  IM-9044
A network view of IM-731.Combination of several other insights under the regional tag, inspired by Padgett and Powell IM-9044
WIP integration of dynamic and complexity insights using rubik's cube metaphor from Pop Health Book  insight  folders,  and others linked in notes
WIP integration of dynamic and complexity insights using rubik's cube metaphor from Pop Health Book insight folders,  and others linked in notes
3 months ago
Level of biological organization linking cell level division and population level evolution
Level of biological organization linking cell level division and population level evolution
Diagrams from Greene 2017 nejm  article  Putting the patient back together Social Medicine, Network Medicine, and the Limits of Reductionism
Diagrams from Greene 2017 nejm article Putting the patient back together Social Medicine, Network Medicine, and the Limits of Reductionism
COM-B model of behaviour change from Michie 2011 Implementation Science  article  Structure agency  IM-1163  added for social context. Integration with other behaviour frameworks  WIP initial  now focussed on nested representation. Attempt at combining simulations WIP is at  IM-35784
COM-B model of behaviour change from Michie 2011 Implementation Science article Structure agency IM-1163 added for social context. Integration with other behaviour frameworks WIP initial now focussed on nested representation. Attempt at combining simulations WIP is at IM-35784
Scott Page's Aggregation diagram from Complexity and Sociology  2015 article  see also  IM-9115  and SA  IM-1163
Scott Page's Aggregation diagram from Complexity and Sociology 2015 article see also IM-9115 and SA IM-1163
Small Intestine example from Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology Special Issue 2016 From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: New theoretical approaches  paper  on organization. Compare with Bogdanov
Small Intestine example from Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology Special Issue 2016 From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: New theoretical approaches paper on organization. Compare with Bogdanov
Health specific Clone of Scott Page's Aggregation  diagram  from Complexity and Sociology  2015 article  see also  IM-9115  and SA  IM-1163
Health specific Clone of Scott Page's Aggregation diagram from Complexity and Sociology 2015 article see also IM-9115 and SA IM-1163
WIP based on Mascia2017 Analyzing conservation strategies  article  and other mostly private insights. A more detailed form of structure agency  IM-1163
WIP based on Mascia2017 Analyzing conservation strategies article and other mostly private insights. A more detailed form of structure agency IM-1163
3 4 months ago
 Adapted from Lane, David C. and Husemann, E. (2008) Steering without Circe: attending to reinforcing loops in social systems. System dynamics review, 24 (1). pp. 37-61. ISSN 0883-706  paper abstract   See also  Conceptual hybrid mapping IM

Adapted from Lane, David C. and Husemann, E. (2008) Steering without Circe: attending to reinforcing loops in social systems. System dynamics review, 24 (1). pp. 37-61. ISSN 0883-706 paper abstract  See also Conceptual hybrid mapping IM

WIP AnyLogic Hybrid Model methods and examples taken from Nate Osgood's Bootcamps around 2017
WIP AnyLogic Hybrid Model methods and examples taken from Nate Osgood's Bootcamps around 2017
Summary of Zimmerman2013  article  (paywalled) Habit, custom, and power: A multi-level theory of population health. Also mapped to COM-B. See also  Dynamics in action IM ,  PCT Double Loop Learning IM  and  Structure Agency framework IM
Summary of Zimmerman2013 article (paywalled) Habit, custom, and power: A multi-level theory of population health. Also mapped to COM-B. See also Dynamics in action IMPCT Double Loop Learning IM and Structure Agency framework IM
3 months ago
WIP ideas for group model building representation See later Australian Version Hybrid   Insight
WIP ideas for group model building representation See later Australian Version Hybrid  Insight
Summary of John Holland's 2012  Book , Signals and Boundaries. Integrator of Classifier, Chemical and Network Adaptive Control and Dynamic Boundaries
Summary of John Holland's 2012 Book, Signals and Boundaries. Integrator of Classifier, Chemical and Network Adaptive Control and Dynamic Boundaries
Roy Bhaskar et al  Book  Interdisciplinarity and climate change: transforming
knowledge and practice for our global future 
From Roy Bhaskar et al Book Interdisciplinarity and climate change: transforming knowledge and practice for our global future 
4 months ago
Visuals of computational methods for dynamic modelling  See Systems Science for Health  insight launchpad  including links to Nate Osgood and KurtK workshop material
Visuals of computational methods for dynamic modelling  See Systems Science for Health insight launchpad including links to Nate Osgood and KurtK workshop material
3 months ago
Hybrid conceptual mapping of relationships involving system causal loop diagram linked with ABM. Output of the problem conceptualization phase of the modelling process prior to developing a computational hybrid model in AnyLogic. Includes Nate Osgood's O PARTIES extension of Ross Hammond's PARTE. Se
Hybrid conceptual mapping of relationships involving system causal loop diagram linked with ABM. Output of the problem conceptualization phase of the modelling process prior to developing a computational hybrid model in AnyLogic. Includes Nate Osgood's O PARTIES extension of Ross Hammond's PARTE. See also earlier Canadian version Insight
3 3 months ago