Culture Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Culture”.

Related tagsHealth CarePolitics

Summary of Zimmerman2013  article  (paywalled) Habit, custom, and power: A multi-level theory of population health. Also mapped to COM-B. See also  Dynamics in action IM ,  PCT Double Loop Learning IM  and  Structure Agency framework IM
Summary of Zimmerman2013 article (paywalled) Habit, custom, and power: A multi-level theory of population health. Also mapped to COM-B. See also Dynamics in action IMPCT Double Loop Learning IM and Structure Agency framework IM
4 months ago
UNfolding story book summary based on Tech St Petersburg  blog entry  , Rowley 2015 and Jensen 1978 books/ translations and recent U of Hull CSS seminar june 2021 (links via twitter @OrsanS)
UNfolding story book summary based on Tech St Petersburg blog entry , Rowley 2015 and Jensen 1978 books/ translations and recent U of Hull CSS seminar june 2021 (links via twitter @OrsanS)
WIP Summary of Science 2019  article  Dryzek The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation
WIP Summary of Science 2019 article Dryzek The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation
Clone of  IM-24317  for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on  JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue  articles, esp  Glied article  (paywalled) Backed up generic version at  IM-59166
Clone of IM-24317 for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied article (paywalled) Backed up generic version at IM-59166
From Walrave  ISDC2014 paper  Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations. Similar to the ordinary (efficiency focussed) and dynamic capabilities (explore)  insight  described by David Teece See also evolution and brain control  insight
From Walrave ISDC2014 paper Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations. Similar to the ordinary (efficiency focussed) and dynamic capabilities (explore) insight described by David Teece
See also evolution and brain control insight
5 2 months ago
WIP Summary of Davies 2017  article  from special Theory Culture and Society issue on Elites and Power after Financialization
WIP Summary of Davies 2017 article from special Theory Culture and Society issue on Elites and Power after Financialization
Book summary of Albert O Hirschman's 1982 book, explaining cycles of collective public action.
Book summary of Albert O Hirschman's 1982 book, explaining cycles of collective public action.
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006  paper   Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy  This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006 paper Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory
 A simple generic rich picture WIP view of interactions among social structures and agents and Boonstra's 2016 conceptualizing power  article  from Ecology and Society 

A simple generic rich picture WIP view of interactions among social structures and agents and Boonstra's 2016 conceptualizing power article from Ecology and Society 

Any and every organization that performs tasks or activities at risk is a system with emergent behavior of a Quality & Safety Culture. There is never a zero state of culture, as every risk or potential risk is met with risk assessment and response through the interactions of the stakeholders.
Any and every organization that performs tasks or activities at risk is a system with emergent behavior of a Quality & Safety Culture. There is never a zero state of culture, as every risk or potential risk is met with risk assessment and response through the interactions of the stakeholders.
From Walrave ISDC2014  paper  Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations
From Walrave ISDC2014 paper Counteracting the success trap in publically owned corporations
Expansion of  IM-24317  for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 . See also  IM-57110  contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied
Expansion of IM-24317 for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 . See also IM-57110 contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied