Learning Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Learning”.

Related tagsHealth CareBehavior

Un insight per provare la API e capirci qualche cosa. An Insight to illustrate the functions of the API and trying to make sense of it
Un insight per provare la API e capirci qualche cosa.
An Insight to illustrate the functions of the API and trying to make sense of it
6 months ago
 Evolution of eHEalth focus from Documenting, to Workflow to Assisting Clinical Judgement. Conceptual confusion among data, information and knowledge models and management. 

Evolution of eHEalth focus from Documenting, to Workflow to Assisting Clinical Judgement. Conceptual confusion among data, information and knowledge models and management. 

 Replaced by Map at  IM-1918  WIP Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show doubl

Replaced by Map at IM-1918 WIP Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show double loop learning IM-619 with IM-897 and IM-1897 ideas. http://bit.ly/jCXGKL Replaced by PCT view at IM-9273

A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
WIP ​Book Summary see  blog entry  Also Chuang2009 ISDC P1127 paper, Newman2017 and Edmondson2014 papers
WIP ​Book Summary see blog entry Also Chuang2009 ISDC P1127 paper, Newman2017 and Edmondson2014 papers
 William T. Powers insight that animate behavior is the purposeful control of perception. Behavior exists to control perceptual signals; internal reference signals are purposes. Continual reorganization of ends and means in the face of obstacles is Learning.

William T. Powers insight that animate behavior is the purposeful control of perception. Behavior exists to control perceptual signals; internal reference signals are purposes. Continual reorganization of ends and means in the face of obstacles is Learning.

WIP Perceptual Control Hierarchy of Needs linked to Mental Health using suicide crisis as an example based on Mansell 2021 pct and  psychopathology paper  Macintyre2021 pct and  suicide crisis paper  and Carey2014 Method of Levels  paper . See also Cisek and Perez  brain control circuit evolution IM
WIP Perceptual Control Hierarchy of Needs linked to Mental Health using suicide crisis as an example based on Mansell 2021 pct and psychopathology paper Macintyre2021 pct and suicide crisis paper and Carey2014 Method of Levels paper. See also Cisek and Perez brain control circuit evolution IM
 Nested multilevel inquiry across multiple levels of organization of biology concepts. Adapted from Knippels (2002) PhD Thesis at http://bit.ly/GGcKo1 . Note the similarity to the nested adaptive cycles of socio-ecological systems in IM 1169

Nested multilevel inquiry across multiple levels of organization of biology concepts. Adapted from Knippels (2002) PhD Thesis at http://bit.ly/GGcKo1 . Note the similarity to the nested adaptive cycles of socio-ecological systems in IM 1169

 IM-1175 with computable arguments, based on ideas from Micropublications  paper  about Claims, Evidence, Representations and Context Networks

IM-1175 with computable arguments, based on ideas from Micropublications paper about Claims, Evidence, Representations and Context Networks

From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6  The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments  p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used.  Se
From A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice Toward a Philosophy and Ethic of the Healing Professions Edmund D Pellegrino David C Thomasma OUP Oxford 1981 Ch6 The Anatomy of Clinical Judgments p119-152 Note judgments have consequences of action, decisions can separate out the knowledge used. 
See also Thinking Like a Nurse IM-703 and Ladder of Inference Assumptions IM-351 and IM-50413 to show diagnostic detail
Example of cognitive work analysis from Hoffman on eliciting the knowledge of experts with articles around 2005 and 2017 book Minding the weather
Example of cognitive work analysis from Hoffman on eliciting the knowledge of experts with articles around 2005 and 2017 book Minding the weather
 A simplified dynamic model, adapted from Engineering perspectives on healthcare delivery: Can we afford technological innovation in healthcare? Rouse, William B Systems Research and Behavioral Science 2009 Vol 26 (5) p573-582  abstract   Developed by Mark Heffernan. Addition of learning curve effec

A simplified dynamic model, adapted from Engineering perspectives on healthcare delivery: Can we afford technological innovation in healthcare? Rouse, William B Systems Research and Behavioral Science 2009 Vol 26 (5) p573-582 abstract  Developed by Mark Heffernan. Addition of learning curve effects IM-614 to Insight 435

A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
Flowchart to address learner needs for a positive teaching and learning environment.
Flowchart to address learner needs for a positive teaching and learning environment.
 Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show double loop learning IM-619 with IM-89

Clone of IM-752 This model is derived from the paper "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement" by Nelson P. Repenning and John D Sterman with Intent Act Effect and Mental models added to show double loop learning IM-619 with IM-897 and IM-1897 ideas. http://bit.ly/jCXGKL

Summary of Paulo Freire's 1968 book . See also  Youtube video esp Chomsky , Freire 1998 Cultural Action for Freedom publication and Zhong Yaying ubc  2018 thesis
Summary of Paulo Freire's 1968 book . See also Youtube video esp Chomsky, Freire 1998 Cultural Action for Freedom publication and Zhong Yaying ubc 2018 thesis
3 months ago