Culture Models

These models and simulations have been tagged “Culture”.

Related tagsHealth CarePolitics

WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013  book . See also Dynamics in Action  IM-3239  for more on behavior and The Art of the State  IM-11962  for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
WIP based on Emery Roe's 2013 book. See also Dynamics in Action IM-3239 for more on behavior and The Art of the State IM-11962 for more on Grid-Group Cultural Theory
4 4 months ago
WIP based on Cultural Theory M Thompson, R Ellis and A Wildavsky 1982 Book p 137-140 Chapter 7 on Durkheim
WIP based on Cultural Theory M Thompson, R Ellis and A Wildavsky 1982 Book p 137-140 Chapter 7 on Durkheim
Grid-Group Culture applied to Public Management based on Christopher Hood's 1998 book. plus excerpts from Schwartz and Thompson's 1990 Book Divided we stand. See also Managing Mess  IM-11581  and FourCultures  Blog  and  Wikipedia Cultural Theory of Risk
Grid-Group Culture applied to Public Management based on Christopher Hood's 1998 book. plus excerpts from Schwartz and Thompson's 1990 Book Divided we stand. See also Managing Mess IM-11581 and FourCultures Blog and Wikipedia Cultural Theory of Risk
3 months ago
Any and every organization that performs tasks or activities at risk is a system with emergent behavior of a Quality & Safety Culture. There is never a zero state of culture, as every risk or potential risk is met with risk assessment and response through the interactions of the stakeholders.
Any and every organization that performs tasks or activities at risk is a system with emergent behavior of a Quality & Safety Culture. There is never a zero state of culture, as every risk or potential risk is met with risk assessment and response through the interactions of the stakeholders.
Ways of Organizing, perceiving and justifying social relations based on grid-group cultural theory Table 2.1  Clumsy solutions for a wicked world book  Marco Verweij, Michael Thompson
Ways of Organizing, perceiving and justifying social relations based on grid-group cultural theory Table 2.1 Clumsy solutions for a wicked world book Marco Verweij, Michael Thompson
Summary of Ch1 of Mitchell Wray and Watts Textbook see  IM-164967  for overview
Summary of Ch1 of Mitchell Wray and Watts Textbook see IM-164967 for overview
Clone of  IM 57110  as backup Which is a Clone of  IM-24317  for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on  JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue  articles, esp  Glied article  (paywalled)
Clone of IM 57110 as backup Which is a Clone of IM-24317 for adding other funding insights Im-633 and 636 and contrasting economic drivers of mental health with other health care based on JHPPL David Mechanic 2016 issue articles, esp Glied article (paywalled)
Any and every organization that performs tasks or activities at risk is a system with emergent behavior of a Quality & Safety Culture. There is never a zero state of culture, as every risk or potential risk is met with risk assessment and response through the interactions of the stakeholders.  T
Any and every organization that performs tasks or activities at risk is a system with emergent behavior of a Quality & Safety Culture. There is never a zero state of culture, as every risk or potential risk is met with risk assessment and response through the interactions of the stakeholders. This version extends the model for the Thinking Systemically Session of STIACP.
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006  paper   Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy  This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory. See  IM-57161  for extension
A restatement of the ISDC Nijmegen 2006 paper Exploring the Political and Economic Dimensions of Health Policy This may benefit from simplification and using cultural theory. See IM-57161 for extension
 Work in progress based on PA Sorokin's Reconstruction of Humanity, moving from egoistic to altruistic personalities, social institutions and an idealistic cultural supersystem

Work in progress based on PA Sorokin's Reconstruction of Humanity, moving from egoistic to altruistic personalities, social institutions and an idealistic cultural supersystem

2 months ago
 Adapted from Lane, David C. and Husemann, E. (2008) Steering without Circe: attending to reinforcing loops in social systems. System dynamics review, 24 (1). pp. 37-61. ISSN 0883-706  paper abstract   See also  Conceptual hybrid mapping IM

Adapted from Lane, David C. and Husemann, E. (2008) Steering without Circe: attending to reinforcing loops in social systems. System dynamics review, 24 (1). pp. 37-61. ISSN 0883-706 paper abstract  See also Conceptual hybrid mapping IM

2 months ago
From Cultural Worldview and Preference for Childhood Vaccination Policy  PSJ Article   Nov 2014 
From Cultural Worldview and Preference for Childhood Vaccination Policy PSJ Article  Nov 2014