balancing an integrated eye care training program with service needs and available resources

balancing an integrated eye care training program with service needs and available resources

 A Medical Imaging View of Patient Flows through ED Imaging Workup. See  IM-375  for an extended map

A Medical Imaging View of Patient Flows through ED Imaging Workup. See IM-375 for an extended map

From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 A Rich Picture Story representation of ED overcrowding based on Using system dynamics principles for conceptual modelling of publicly funded hospitals] by HJ Wong et al Journal of the Operational Research Society 63, 79-88 (January 2012) | doi:10.1057/jors.2010.164 Click the +view story on the bott

A Rich Picture Story representation of ED overcrowding based on Using system dynamics principles for conceptual modelling of publicly funded hospitals] by HJ Wong et al Journal of the Operational Research Society 63, 79-88 (January 2012) | doi:10.1057/jors.2010.164 Click the +view story on the bottom left

 WIP for Continuity of care ISO From  Wikipedia  Initial Insight Representation from ContSys  IM-4008  with split off  patient  and professional statecharts See  IM-2846  for Agent with infectious disease and  IM-6913  for ED Physician INteraction

WIP for Continuity of care ISO From Wikipedia Initial Insight Representation from ContSys

IM-4008 with split off patient and professional statecharts See IM-2846 for Agent with infectious disease and IM-6913 for ED Physician INteraction
 Adapted from Fig 6.1 p.232 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007),  Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice   Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

Adapted from Fig 6.1 p.232 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007), Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice  Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

 Adapted from Fig 5.1 p.186 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007),  Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice   Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

Adapted from Fig 5.1 p.186 of the Book: James A. Forte ( 2007), Human Behavior and The Social Environment: Models, Metaphors and Maps for Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Practice  Thomson Brooks/Cole Belmont ISBN 0-495-00659-9

3 4 weeks ago
 The effects of subsidies and incentives for private health insurance on the mix of public and private hospital use. The central role of adverse selection/moral hazard on private health insurance sustainability. See also  updated version  around 2017

The effects of subsidies and incentives for private health insurance on the mix of public and private hospital use. The central role of adverse selection/moral hazard on private health insurance sustainability. See also updated version around 2017

 Created in James Madison University's ISAT 341 Simulation and Modeling course by Joseph Straub and Andrew Funkhouser. Based on Mark Heffernan's Glucose-Insulin Insight Maker     Glucose Insulin Model Info:  Translated from Hormone.stm in Dynamic Modeling in the Health Sciences James L hargrove, Spr

Created in James Madison University's ISAT 341 Simulation and Modeling course by Joseph Straub and Andrew Funkhouser. Based on Mark Heffernan's Glucose-Insulin Insight Maker

Glucose Insulin Model Info:

Translated from Hormone.stm in Dynamic Modeling in the Health Sciences James L hargrove, Springer 1998, Ch 24 p255-261, by Mark Heffernan.

 Simple Bass diffusion modified from Sterman Business Dynamics Ch9. Compare with the SI infectious disease model Insight  584 .  Clone of model:

Simple Bass diffusion modified from Sterman Business Dynamics Ch9. Compare with the SI infectious disease model Insight 584.

Clone of model:

 Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305

Hypertension Generic Patient Flow Causal Loop Diagram version of Insight 305

 SIR model with waning immunity - Metrics by Guy Lakeman   A Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) disease model with waning immunity

SIR model with waning immunity - Metrics by Guy Lakeman

A Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) disease model with waning immunity

 A simple glucose regulation causal loop diagram taken from Richard O. Foster, 1970: The Dynamics of blood sugar regulation, MSc thesis, MIT Dept of Electrical Engineering, available on the MIT System Dynamics Group Literature Collection and in the MIT Electronic Libraries. See  IM-587  for Addition

A simple glucose regulation causal loop diagram taken from Richard O. Foster, 1970: The Dynamics of blood sugar regulation, MSc thesis, MIT Dept of Electrical Engineering, available on the MIT System Dynamics Group Literature Collection and in the MIT Electronic Libraries. See IM-587 for Addition of Glucagon

Test Sensitivity and Specificity see  ROC wikipedia  and Tom Fawcett's 2006  article  introduction to ROC Analysis, Can be linked to Brunswik Lens  IM-1401
Test Sensitivity and Specificity see ROC wikipedia and Tom Fawcett's 2006 article introduction to ROC Analysis, Can be linked to Brunswik Lens IM-1401
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for
Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
From David Rees PhD dissertation "Developing a Theory of Implementation for Better Chronic Health Management" Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
 Simplified version of  IM-852   Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map   Insight 810  

Simplified version of IM-852  Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) Dosing in Anemia due to Renal Failure from Jim Rogers See Stock Flow Map  Insight 810 

A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.
A simple generic rich picture view of interactions among concerned people with needs services and resources and abilities (including learning), which can be used as a pattern for many individual health care insights.